
How Realism is Achieved in Mobile Games?

Introduction In the world of mobile gaming, realism has become a crucial factor that can make or break a game. Players today expect a gaming experience that mirrors real-world physics, especially in driving games. Achieving such realism requires a deep understanding of physics, advanced technology, and innovative development techniques. In this blog, we’ll explore how […]

Indie and Self-Publishing in Mobile Gaming

Introduction The mobile gaming industry is teeming with opportunities for developers, whether they choose to go indie and self-publish or partner with established publishers. Both paths have their own set of advantages and challenges. In this blog post, we’ll explore the good and bad sides of being an indie developer and self-publishing, and why some […]

Mobile Gaming News

Mobile Gaming News: Investments and Technological Innovations

Introduction The mobile gaming industry is witnessing rapid growth, fueled by continuous technological advancements and increasing investments. In 2024, global mobile gaming revenues are expected to surpass $200 billion, with the number of players reaching 3.7 billion . This article explores significant investments in the mobile gaming sector and the latest technological innovations shaping the […]